
Bieber Fev3r

http://koiniclub.com/ref/C-3-80069860 sign up! you can have a chance to win free justin bieber V.I.P tickets, with free transportation to Canada!
Justin Bieber is a teen pop/R&B sensation now, but wasn't always. He grew up in Ontario Canada, as a regular child, having hopes and dreams like many others. His childhood dream was to become a pro hockey play , but his destiny was to sing. His destiny was found through youtube, by his future manager Scooter Braun, and later signed byUsher, after Usher and Justin Timberlake "fought" over him. From there on he became an international superstar entertaining girls ,and some boys , becoming romodels for kids around the world. Teaching them to follow their dreams and to "Never Say Never". He has taught us all a lesson now we should help him, Bieberblast somebody to love on Itunes!

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